+91-11-2385 0594 , 2385 6898

Surface Set Diamond Core Bit

Surface Set Diamond Core Bit

Surface Set Diamond Core Drilling Bits consist of single layer of diamonds distributed and set in a pre-determined pattern on the surface in an abrasion resistance matrix. Surface set bits are available in different types of SPC (Stone per carat) viz 15/25 SPC, 25/40 SPC, 30/60 SPC, 60/80 SPC, 80/110 SPC. Lower the SPC (15/25) larger the size of diamonds & higher the SPC (80/110) smaller the size of diamonds.

In soft formations large size diamonds are used while in hard formations small size diamonds are used. Generally stone size of 80/110 SPC & 60/80 SPC are used for hard formations where as stone size of 15/25 SPC & 25/40 SPC are used in soft formations.

Diamond Core BitUEW manufacturers surface sets bit in two matrix:

Universal Engineering Works manufacturer Surface Set Diamond Bits in two matrix:

  • Standard Matrix
  • Medium Hard Matrix
  • Extra Hard Matrix

Different crown of matrix for surface set core bits are available.

  • (a) Semi Round Profile
  • b) Round Profile
  • (c) Step Profile ( 4 step, 5 step and 7 step profile)
All surface set wireline diamond core bits are manufactured in step type profile.

Surface Set Core Bit                                                     Surface Set Core Bit

Tungsten Carbide (T C) inserts can be provided on water ways where there is erosion of matrix in abrasive type formations.

Universal Engineering Works manufacture the following DIAMOND SURFACE SET CORE BITS and DIAMOND REAMING SHELLS as per BRITISH / DCDMA / WIRELINE / SWEDISH Standards:

EX, AX, BX, NX, HX, EWG, AWG, BWG, NWG, HWG, EWF, AWF, BWF, NWF, HWF, PWF, SWF, UWF, ZWF, RWT, EWT, AWT, BWT, NWT, HWT, EWM, AWM, BWM, NWM, NMLC, HMLC , WLA,WLB , WLN, WLH , WLP , RW, EW, AW, BW, NW, HW, PW, SW, UW, ZW, PX, SX, UX, ZX , 46mm, 56mm, 66mm, 76mm, 86mm, 101mm, 116mm, 131mm, 146mm

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